Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sound Card Installed But No Audio Device

Sues New Hope Alamar MDO. Closed

Sues Alamar MDO.

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

On 24 March, the town of Alamar Opposition, member of New Hope, filed its first lawsuit in the People in your area.

The lawsuit is the concern of neighbors, father and primary school students on November 7, located in zone 15 of Alamar. In the Jack of this school for more than 3 months passed a stream with tremendous sewage and rotting stench of urine.

Parents are angry that this situation is not resolved. This discomfort is also essential for teachers and the principal of that school who have complained in dissimilar cases.

This lawsuit was filed by Jorge Felix Candelaria Martinez president of Alamar MDO.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Does Chap Stick Have Calories

church by the state security.

Closed church by the state security.
By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS.

On 16 March a group of Cuban dissidents were prevented from participating in a mass at the Church of the Assumption in the neighborhood of Guanabacoa.
According to Ernesto Artiles
source of this information, state security was present on the premises and barred the priest from the church to open the doors of the place. The dissidents, realizing this will walk idly along the streets of the town, to church La Milagrosa.


attended the Mass and pilgrimage of the virgin. They called for freedom of political prisoners and the health of Guillermo Fariñas Hernández, who is on hunger strike from a hospital in Santa Clara.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Microwaivable Heating Pad To Use


opposition sues town

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

Municipality Guanabcoa Opposition, presented two claims in recent days to the People from their village by a day care situations and problems on a street in La Villa de Pepe Antonio.

As President Vladimir Alejo Miranda MDO, the complaints consisted of nursery situation "Year of the Child", located on the road of Cojimar, where more than 4 years is not cistern can be used instead. Many are the times that children are welcomed into the circle, not to have water instead

Working mothers who have their young in the circle have complained in dissimilar occasions with local agencies without them solve the problem. The tank is contaminated and no solution to this glaring affectation.

Alejo Miranda asks in the letter, "Where are the construction and repair materials that are assigned to the Municipality of Education? Meanwhile mothers have to find alternatives to go to work.

demands was the number of holes and ruts that presents Marti Street between Green Cross and Lemus, compared to hard-currency stores "The Arcade". According to the opposition that street is very busy mainly by bus.

The lawsuit raises as cars are destroyed because of this, the tires, the leaf spring and many other parts. How long will we have to see the streets of Guanabcoa destroyed? - Vladimir Alejo Miranda would ponder on the letter submitted to municipal government.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Stop Eyelashes Falling Out

opposition municipality Chain strikers fasting for health

fasting chain s health striker

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

A fast chain is being done for several days, in different municipalities of Havana City by Guillermo Fariñas Hernández health and other prisoners who are on strike.

In Artiles Ernesto housing was held a fast for 6 hours, attended by several opposition parties and movements. The participants asked the government to fulfill the order of the independent journalist who is on hunger and thirst strike since 24 February.

Fariñas only calls for the release of 26 political prisoners who are ill in Cuban jails, "said Suarez Deysi Lazara one of the participants. The union activists in a frank and honest, did not ingest any food or taken liquids and require no more deaths are unnecessary.

GOP members of Cuba, the Municipality of Regla and Guanabacoa Opposition of Federation of Rural Women, prayed for the life of Fariñas and ask the human rights organization, which Be very careful with the case of the fighter.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Is The Meaning Of Car In Arabic

repressions continue, detain President Vladimir Alejo Miranda MDO

repressions continue

By: Sañudo Ivan Pupo, ALAS

President of the Municipality of Opposition (MDO) of Guanabacoa, member of the NGO "New Hope", was taken to a police station in Santiago de las Vegas, Sunday February 28 in the early hours am.

Vladimir Alejo Miranda was taken from his home at 6.30am by the officers of state security Narde and Omar, in the car led 614 of Villa Marist, until that unit for questioning.

was threatened by his opposition activities. He raised the process was being prepared against him, by which serve a penalty of 4 years imprisonment. According to Alejo Miranda them, the political police "are upset because" she touched the day saucepan 24 " and "we pay tribute to murdered Zapata Tamayo" - said the dissident.

Vladimir Alejo Miranda Estrada Palma lies in street No 259 between Santa Maria and San Sebastian, Municipality Guanabacoa.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Using Probiotics For Yougert Starter


Sauvanell Ismael Alarcon

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

On 27 February the opposition Sauvanell Ismael Alarcon was arrested by Cuban state security, when he tried sign a book of condolences for the death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

Sauvanell Alarcon went to the house of the Lady in White, Laura Pollan to sign the condolence book, which for several days it is open. He was arrested by agents and taken to the police station Trench. He stayed there for 7 hours sitting on the bench in the folder.

No explanation was given for the arrest and the apparent reason for it. Ismael Alarcon Sauvanell the City Housing Commissioner Alamar Opposition, member of the NGO "New Hope" and member of the Republican Party of Cuba.