Monday, May 24, 2010

Opponents in Church Zapatavive

Opponents in the Church.

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

A group of opponents participated on Sunday May 23 at the Mass of the Assumption Church, demanding the release of prisoners Cuban political.

opponents belonging to the Party Guanabacoa Cuba Republican, asked the Virgin for the health of ailing political prisoners and for their speedy release. Also honored the memory of Pedro Luis Boitel and Orlando Zapata Tamayo died after a hunger strike to demand their rights. Ernesto
source of this information, commented that attendees asked about the health of Guillermo Fariñas Hernández which takes 89 days on hunger strike demanding the release of Cuban prisoners

Thursday, May 20, 2010

سيريال Adobe Premiere 1.5 Pro

# # Boitelvive DAY LIVE ZAPATA


Sañudo Ivan Pupo ALAS

13 to May 25, day by Pedro Luis Boitel and Orlando Zapata Tamayo, martyrs of the Cuban opposition.


Remember Zapata Boitel and Guanabacoa Cemetery

Boitel and Zapata Mass for the Church of the Assumption in Guanabacoa. Opponents unite the Republican Party of Cuba and the Municipality of Guanabacoa Opposition, together with

Discussion about the martyrs of dissent in Guanabacoa

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gpsphone Pokemon Cheat

Boitel and the Castro dynasty

The Castro dynasty

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo, ALAS

In the homeland of all, and not in the Fidel and Raul, sick care is woven with the harassment of opponents and dissidents who communicate the right to freedom. Are known to express own opinion and this is contrary to the principles of communist officialdom, with disastrous consequences.

The idea of \u200b\u200blosing political heritage and the dynasty, putting them in position to attack everything that moves concave and convex, left or right. The end of the dictatorship's restless and not concerned with plotting against the world, what matters to the dictatorship is to act and then justify, for it has monopolized the media and people pay to play their game.

In the twilight of the lone star on the lack of oxygen to the ideas Fidel, Raúl will all, to prevent fragmenting what the brother devised a goal, falling into the same mistakes, that is the end no matter the results, the same spot that covered failures Fidel and Raul's mantle. The objective of holding power.

political and military institutions lost the basic principles and professional ethics, he is deprived of act in their own reasoning and the imposition of hate speech who thinks differently to Castro.

The monologue is unique, repressed, humiliates, crushes, kills. That is the message that gives to every Cuban who joins a large majority by the shameless blackmail quick response, they curtailed the basic principle of brotherhood, respect for others, uses a prosperous future by selling the same for everyone.

With Parkinson's pale, shudders dictatorship and open to the mutilation of their children more rebellious, demonstrated the strong and sustained harassment it has over the peaceful Damas de Blanco. With unbridled arrogance to harass independent journalists and bloggers and those who intend to criticize the Cuban reality.

Raul, is his role as redeemer and diplomatic dialogue trend for change in his temple socialist, but appearances in this company are not sufficient and the thin rope which is not lacerate notices threatening to whatever government.

the Cuban out of their slumber, knowing that you can not be loyal to someone who speaks of peace, when they bring their hands grip. Every day is a challenge and already convinced that this government faces is the mirror effect, there will be no changes in the power of the Castro.

Friday, May 14, 2010

People Who Get High Off Clonazepam Blogs


Missing Jacu President

By: Ivan Sañudo Pupo,

ALAS President of the United Cuba platform Active Youth (Jacu) Lilvio Luis Fernandez, a record was performed within hours of the morning of 14 May In your home Guasimal No 9 in the neighborhood of Parraga, which is missing

According Tatiana Rodriguez Reina, Luis Fernandez's wife, members of state security in conjunction with the National Revolutionary Police , came to his house at 8.30 am, seizing a computer, a camera, memory flash, libros y material referente a JACU.

Por más de tres horas duro el registro. “Lilvio esta desaparecido, yo estoy desesperada, temo mucho por su vida”, manifestó vía telefónica su esposa.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long Term Steroid Use Florinef

Jacu president of Palma Soriano opponents protest

Protestan opositores de Palma Soriano

Por: Ivan Sañudo Pupo ,

El Municipio de Oposición de Palma Soriano afiliado a Nueva Esperanza , realizó en dias pasados una marcha en protesta por la calles de la localidad.

Un grupo de opositores se lazaron a las calles a protestar por la deficiente atención médica del municipio. “Los médicos están todos en misiones, aquí no tenemos quien nos atienda la salud”- manifestó Raudel Ávila Lozano, fuente de esta información.

Los activistas se unieron a otros opositores del Presidio Político Pedro Luís Boitel, para realizar dicha protesta la cual fue terminada por la intervención de miembros de la seguridad del estado cubana

Friday, May 7, 2010

First American Title Anniversary

Gibara Opposition Township, New Hope joins

Municipio de Oposición en Gibara, se une a Nueva Esperanza.

Por: Ivan Sañudo Pupo

Township Gibara Opposition met with the National Coordinator in Cuba Nueva Esperanza, Aini Martín Valero, asking to join this NGO.

Manuel Martínez León, president of MDO Gibara asked the Coordinator to join New Hope, since she understood that this NGO, was addressed by serious people who supported peaceful opposition in Cuba.

The MDO is located on Calle 24 No 3519 between 33 and 41 cast Baro, Velasco, Holguin, home of his secretary Mari Blanca Avila Expósito.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Was Hit In The Back Of The Neck

Cuban activists arrested

Detained Cuban activists.

By: Ivan Pupo Sañudo

In days past the defenders of Human Rights and Orlando Corzo Miguel López Santos were arrested in the Iglesia del Carmen, in Centro Habana. Manifest

activists attend every Friday recited sanctuary and on 30 April, members of the political police, entered the scene and took them forcibly detained. We

mounted in a Lada car with plate owners, without giving explanations freed us outside the Cotorro, this is a tremendous violation .- Corzo said.

Miguel López Santos and Orlando Corzo are members of the Opposition Rule Municipality of Republican Party of Cuba and the Front Line Dura. Maintain a tireless work within the Cuban opposition to win the freedom of Cuban political prisoners and democratization.