Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Write An Offer Example

In the Social Policy Council of the Municipality of Lebrija, was made a full statement on the running process and the scope of the RED STATES Municipality, in order to know that supply must be generated in 9 dimensions for beneficiaries to leave its state of extreme poverty.

Scope executed


The initiative is called 'Change your life, go to the Internet', this is a workshop that the Ministry of Information and ICT Information and Communications, Telefónica Telecom and the Government of Santander aim to encourage the use of Internet networks . The CGS Township
took part actively in the development of this event, installing infrastructure, convening and participating families throughout the duration.


The March 22, 2011 is celebrated World Water Day, Water for cities: responding to Urban Challenge ", which this year focuses its aim on the impact of rapid urban population growth, and that within the diversity of social and environmental problems that occur in human settlements, water scarcity is one of the most affects the quality of life of the population, both by the limited availability and poor quality of the resource as their differential access and associated social conflicts, at an accelerated rate, water is becoming a limited resource.


It is the program leader Carlos Ardila Lülle Medical Center, which began operations in July 1999, which aims to provide "SPECIAL SERVICES" health with great discounts at the different areas of medicine and dentistry, in general and specialized project to the community with quality and technology that characterizes the Carlos Ardila Lulle Medical Center.

The program does not offer emergency services, intensive care unit or farmacia.En currently have more than 360,000 recipients of our medical services, residents in the Metropolitan Area of \u200b\u200bBucaramanga and other provinces of Santander, Norte de Santander, Southern Magdalena Cesar and Bolivar, among others.


The secret to the success of parental work in the child's education rests with the utmost respect for the human dignity of the child, stimulation your self and the exercise of responsibility and freedom according to their degree of maturation.

Most parents sometimes punish the bad behavior of children, but rarely good cheer. Many times they are constantly looking for good men, but not perceived as being done On the contrary, it is reinforcing feelings of helplessness, is forming a self-image, self-concept and negative self-esteem may result from anxiety and depression.

3 Municipality.

Nutrition were treated in this talk.

Ancheta DELIVERY TOGETHER-ECOPETROL Some beneficiaries of the Strategy TOGETHER of sidewalks and Vanegas Chuspas Lebrija Township received from ECOPETROL

and thank the management of social co-manager Elizabeth Bautista, some Ancheta season. In total 50 families were part of the delivery which was held on December 22 on the sidewalks above.


beneficiaries TOGETHER on the sidewalks of the City of Lebrija, were part of the delivery of Social Action grants that made the CGS Elizabeth Baptist. Christmas gifts and shoes among others were given to the families of the Strategy.


with children participating in the network along the Vereda Uribe Uribe, Elizabeth Baptist Social co-manager made the conclusion Christmas.

Animations, gifts and a delicious eleven were part of the event, where once again the smiles of children is the best gift for social work who works at City Hall.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fabric Boning Wholsale

O2 of February 2011, ACUGRA MARKS DAY



Over 50 people attended the Conference, which took part as exhibitors MARENA officials CENTRAL AND ENACAL. In addition to the delegates of MINSA-SILAIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY DEPARTMENTAL, INTUR INAFOR AND MARENA Representatives, DGI, MINED, AMONG OTHERS.

Brazilian Wax What Happens


C ada February 2 is celebrated as World Wetlands Day, the date was chosen by the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971 in the city of Ramsar, Iran. The actions This day is aimed at increasing general public awareness about wetland values \u200b\u200band benefits they provide.
This year the theme chosen to commemorate the RAMSAR World Wetlands Day is "THE wetlands and forests "under the motto" FORESTS FOR WATER AND WETLANDS ", were chosen because in 2011 he was elected by the UN as the International Year of Forests.

Wetlands are a wide variety of habitats inland, coastal and marine environments that share certain characteristics. They are often identified as areas that flood temporarily, where the water table emerges at the surface or in low permeability soils covered by shallow water. All wetlands share a fundamental property: the water plays a fundamental role in the ecosystem, in determining the structure and functions of the wetland.

A wetland is an area where water is the main factor controlling the environment, the plant and animal life related to it. It is an ecosystem that could be compared with a sponge. Groundwater has to very shallow, that spring or rise to the surface at certain times, forming lakes and marshes far reaching to live for hundreds of species, whether birds or other animals

The predominance of water determines that wetlands with different characteristics of terrestrial ecosystems, one of them is that generally show great variability in time and space. This has important effects on biological diversity that inhabits wetlands to be developed adaptations to survive these changes can become very extreme, for example, large-scale hydrological cycles with periods of severe drought and periods of high flood.


are a vital component of the freshwater cycle. Capture rain water, retain it, to their sediment, slowly filtered and recharge aquifers.

Wetlands provide fresh water in quantity and in quality.

Regulate flooding , acting as shock absorbers. The absence of these causes have catastrophic flooding.

mitigate or lessen the effects of climate change. Are formidable reservoirs of biological diversity. They have a very important cultural value, and places that have been since time immemorial, man has chosen to live.

have also an important economic value for the numerous products that can deliver. Wetland products, whether goods or services, can provide various tools to further improve the quality of life. Here you can excel in commercial fishing as a result of the wetland. Fish contributes about 20% of animal protein for an average diet in Asia and Africa.

In our region, inland fisheries each year brings much fish, but the environmental cost of such exploitation is very high. In this regard should outline the new rules, aimed at sustainable use of fishery and that became effective this year in our province, which has led to numerous conflicts. Have followed the indiscriminate use of the resource, the effects would have been devastating in the short term.

Ecotourism, as a result of the wetland can provide to communities that inhabit it, and gradually, the business under criteria of sustainable use.

Wetlands provide important natural resources for society. Therefore, their management involves the need to develop their rational use and sustainable use. This concept has been defined as "sustainable use that provides benefits to mankind in a manner consistent with maintaining the natural properties of the ecosystem."
As water flows naturally, there is a close link between aquatic ecosystems permanent, temporary and adjacent land wet. This determines that wetlands are vulnerable to the negative impacts of actions that occur outside. Therefore, the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands should be developed through an integrated approach that considers the various related ecosystems. In the case of inland wetlands, it is essential to refer to watersheds as environmental units. They also strongly influence the coastal waters where they lead.

represent 6% of land area key to man and wildlife.

Without these wetlands would be chaos, contaminated water would kill fish, migratory birds abandon the area and would be extinct if not found elsewhere.

The disappearance of wildlife suffer the destruction of resources that fuel stocks and spoil human life.


Today more than 4000 billion people worldwide have serious problems getting safe water and every year 3 million people die illnesses related to consumption of unsafe water.
pollution of wetlands leads to disease and ultimately death to humans, plants and animals.
Today few people are interested the environmental situation, almost no one, not to say anyone is aware of the serious problem we are experiencing.

"Water is becoming a source of controversy throughout the world," said Richard Howitt, an economist at the University of California at Davis. Urbanization, population increase and economic growth have led to an unprecedented global demand for water. The defense of water supplies is one of the most pressing environmental issues are becoming national security issues worldwide.

"Hopefully in the next thirty years the demand for potable water grow in the world in a 650%, while the world population will rise by 50%, "said Claude Martin, CEO Global Fund for Nature, WWF International. "Given the incredible pressure that this lawsuit will affect water resources, countries must implement their commitments to conserve and restore wetlands. If they do, this vital natural resource will become increasingly scarce."

Similarly, a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned today that 29 countries are already suffering from moderate or severe water shortage and that the population living in areas with high pass from lack of water the 132 million today to between 650 and 900 million in 2025.

more pessimistic projections show that water scarcity will generate a food crisis, causing, in turn, strong migration and major conflicts. Jeff McNeely, expert from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) warned that "the scarcity of water often leads to insidious and cumulative social effects that result in ethnic strife, wars and insurgencies."

Preservation and Protection.

To achieve their maximum development is necessary, manage them in a rational, moderate and prudent.

At this
question arises, who should be responsible for its management?
Traditional knowledge of the local people are often the basis for effective conservation. Villagers throughout the generations have established codes, systems and beliefs that are based on balance and conservation of environmental resources. Intimately familiar with the surroundings and also birds and other animals that make up the annual cycle.

The government plays an important role, since it is responsible for managing funds, may enact laws while also can provide the necessary training to managers, scientists, ecologists, hydrologists and other specialists responsible for maintaining the wetlands. Be monitored and periodic environmental assessments carried out if a wetland is threatened. If wetlands are located in national parks or marine, governments can strengthen local ordinances applicable to the area.

Today, more than 100 countries are signatories to the Convention on Wetlands , originally signed on February 2, 1971 in the city of Ramsar, Iran. Member countries have committed to a process of identifying sites found within their territories which may be classified as "wetlands of international importance and ensure their conservation. So far, more than 900 sites have been placed in the Ramsar List, covering in total more than 67.5 million hectares, almost the total area of \u200b\u200bCentral America. However, only 13 countries have set national wetland policies, while an equal number of them this process.

aquifer systems and the drainage of water bodies for agricultural use and urban development have been the main causes for which have lost 50% of wetlands worldwide, especially in countries like the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Thailand, Niger, Chad, Tanzania, India, Vietnam and Italy.

few thousand years ago, the man chose to settle in river valleys and flood plains of rivers, now we depend on natural ecosystems, because not only are the basis for development, but also sustaining life in all its forms. So take a real commitment to conservation and sustainable use of wetlands stands today as a condition para trabajar por una mejor forma de vida. Sustentabilidad implica desarrollo económicamente viable, ambientalmente sostenible y socialmente justo.&nbsp;