DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA Work was performed in the village of El Socorro Girardota Township, Antioquia.
The village of El Socorro is located 7 km from the highway north, has approximately 83 houses and 500 inhabitants of their land, mostly to farming and working in the company "Pigments", located in the municipal . Within
agricultural activities predominate onion, banana, fruit (citrus, guava, avocados), coffee, cilantro, cucumbers and peppers, with crops that have best adapted to the area, the animal is a bit of livestock, poultry stands the broiler and position. You are starting a pisícola culture.
The sector has a school, shared with the institution COREDI. This area is rich in water, has two watersheds, La Silva and The belt, about 50 outlets with unprotected births in draft reforestarción with bamboo.
IAP methodology was used (Research, Action, Participation) through various workshops for children, youth and adults.
1. Integration Workshops: Dynamic
integration to promote the participation and motivation.
Development of ribbons for the presentation of the participants.
Dynamics for the formation of working groups and to strengthen the teamwork.
2. Environment Recognition Workshop
Awareness and Environmental Conceputalización -
3. Participatory Environmental Assessment Workshop (DAP)
- Identification of strengths and weaknesses and prioritization of local weaknesses.
- Recognition of the causes and effects of local weaknesses.
- SWOT Matrix Development.
- Commitments made by the community
4. Carousel Workshop
- Recognition individual and collective values \u200b\u200bfor healthy living.