Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, known universally as Rubén Darío, the Father of Modernism and the Prince of English literature, was born in Matagalpa, Nicaragua, January 18, 1867, a boy showed his greatness and literary spirit, he learned to read at three years old and published his first poems at age thirteen, which helped him to be considered the Child Poet Nicaragua. Reuben was educated by the Jesuits in the city of Leon, his passion for poetry led him to read the most representative of English and French Literature.
Rubén besides being a poet, was a distinguished journalist and diplomat, holding various positions in the Nicaraguan government of his time traveling to different countries in America and Europe, which enabled him to enrich their knowledge cultural and share their experiences with some important poets, some of which materialized into action.

In July 1988, published the Blue Book, the first big push to English Modernism was the Darius would work to be consecrated as one of the most gifted poets of his time, expressed as literary critics at the time. Another great work is published in 1896 "The Strange" that same year also published a piece that truly established itself as the largest Hispanic precursor of Modernism, "Profane Prose and Other Poems", was very well received, a pesar de no cumplir con las expectativas del Poeta en cuanto a la popularidad inmediata que él esperaba. Su tercer obra en importancia es publicada en 1905 “Cantos de Vida y Esperanza”, de la cual se desprende “A Roosvelt”, Poema Profético que describiría la realidad de la Política actual de los Estados Unidos de América; y el Canto de Vida y Esperanza, en el cual Darío revela su eterno sufrimiento durante casi toda su vida. 

El Poeta Niño, falleció el 06 de febrero de 1916 a los 49 años de edad. 

El Gran Rubén, el Poeta más aclamado de habla hispana, poseía una imaginación matchless, his verses are unique rhythm, rhyme with a perfect and harmonious description of magic, made each works, a legacy of original, unique and unsurpassed. If I could describe in one word representing Dario that would be "extraordinary." Through his verse lets us get into the inside of your soul and the depth of their feelings, this man who never felt young, fought the demons that made our minds when something overwhelming, never found a reason for happiness therefore took refuge in the beauty of the outside world and nature to create the greatest verses that would help you remain forever in this earth and appease his immense fear of death, to disappear from among the living, because Reuben is still among us, when we open a book, thinking of the Argentine sun and the star of Chile, even our existence FATAL always find someone WANT us a story, to rescue our Hispanic culture and to denounce the injustices of this world, pursuing a FORM that leads us to be what we want and we can be when we follow the DRAGONFLY VAGA, ILLUSION OF OUR VAGA then our sky is BLUE and our song even become WANDERING LIFE AND HOPE.


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