Sunday, April 24, 2011

Whirrly Popcorn Maker

religious Easter. Partido de La Matanza

Pascua y desinformación religiosa On Wednesday, 12 this month, the newspaper Clarin

in the Special Supplement Religious Values, put on top a huge picture of a child's face with the owner

"Childhood and youth. The Unknown Jesus "

. Presenting the memo explains: "The gospels say very little about the pre-public life for the Christian who is the Son of God. But as they advance in biblical studies, there are more signs . Ariel Alvarez Valdes Bible scholar summarizes the data we have so far. " In the center pages 6 and 7, the information is presented under the title

"The Hidden Life of Jesus"

, for the above specialist Alvarez Valdés, who gives some data the life of Jesus.

is nothing new that Clarín

not accurately reflect the wording of the title and the information developed in the body of explanatory text. In the words of Carlos Francisco Holub "this lack of consistency affects the quality of information on the facts. Consequently, the task becomes blurred journalism: instead of reducing public uncertainty increases it, because it makes more difficult the knowledge of the facts. " (1)

In the body of the note santiagueño Bible scholar describes events in the life of any Christian knows Nazarene True, I do not mean social Christians gather to eat greedily and binge drinking at Christmas. not really say anything new. Moreover, I do not think anyone intended to mute your wisdom. Those who want desasnarse can use various jobs, simple and enlightening as: "The accounts of the childhood of Jesus" by Charles Perrot, priest of the Diocese of Moulins, a professor at the Catholic Institute of Paris; , "Jesus" story or legend? "of priests and Viola R. C. Naveillán, "Historical Reality Jesus of Nazareth "by the philosopher and theologian Ramon M. Fondevila, and "Jesus and the problems of historicity" of the New Testament specialist, Wolfgang Trilling. Also, within the journalistic line does a good job the controversial Italian Vittorio Messori: "Hypotheses about Jesus. A journalist investigates in depth the mystery of the Gospels. "

Thus, the text of Alvarez Valdés has nothing to do with the titles that have: "The Hidden Life of Jesus" or the "Children and Youth. The Unknown Jesus. "

Another question had been whether the Argentine theologian had made a critique of the various scenarios and dissident authors of orthodox Christianity. Namely: "Drugs, myth and Christianity" (John M. Allegro), "The Historical Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls" (John M. Allegro), "Life of Jesus" (Ernest Renan), "The mystical life Jesus "(H. Spencer Lewis)," The secret doctrine of Jesus "(H. Spencer Lewis);" esoteric Christianity "(Annie Besant)," From Bethlehem to Calvary "(Alice A . Bailey); "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ" (Levi H. Dowling), "Jesus man, not God" (Joaquín Lash), "Life of Jesus" (dictated by the medium itself to Ms. X's 1st. Party. The 2nd. party to the medium XX), "The Three Lives of Christ" (Boris C. Cristoff), "Jesus died of old age" (Holger Kersten); "Jesus Christ, the great unknown" (Barrera Rubio Diego), "Jesus lived and died in Kashmir "(Andreas Faber-Kaiser)," Jesus or the deadly secret of the Templars "(Robert Ambelain)," The Secrets of Golgotha. Manipulated the story of Jesus and Christianity "(Robert Ambelain)," The man who created Jesus Christ. The Secret Life of St. Paul "(Robert Ambelain)," Godsend "(JJ Benitez)," The UFO of Bethlehem "(JJ Benítez), "Trojan Horse" (JJ Benítez. Several volumes), "The trial of Jesus" (Weddig Fricke), "The party of Jesus" (Hugh J. Schonfield), "The Holy Grail (Michael Baigent and others ), "Between Christ and Satan" (Kurt Koch); "Jesus, the philosopher par excellence" (Carlos Brandt); "Jesus and Jesus and the Essenes" (Eduard Schuré), "mystical Christianity" (Yogi Ramacharaka), "Christianity and the mysteries of antiquity" (Rudolf Steiner), "Teachers" (David Anri "" The Judas Kiss "(Blas FABurzio) , "Christ standing" (Alberto Cormillot and Dalmiro Saenz), "The Hidden Meaning of the Gospels" (Osho), "Christianity in the clear" (Ladislao Vadas) and "The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)" , among others. Notably Valdez Alvarez has published several popular books on biblical themes plain language and accessible to laymen. The sincere specialist Santiago de Estero ends his note: "

The Hidden Life of Jesus, then, there was nothing extraordinary or prodigious

, as he is painted the absurd legends woven about it. In this simple and familiar atmosphere of the towns of Galilee, the child Jesus grew up, matured and found life. This was the climate that Jesus breathed and absorbed for 30 years. " sounds like a joke. In short: the hidden life of Jesus that the owner announced with great fanfare had nothing to hide.

The white Jesus

The Jesus of Silvio Berlusconi and Clarín

The icing on the cake adds Clarín
when it enters a box titled
composed his face.

Did Jesus teenager?

undernote illustrates this with a photo identical to the top, but reduced in size. Clarified that the front is a picture of the alleged child Jesus, 25 x 22 cm. It joins the "hook" to lure unsuspecting readers title "The Unknown Jesus" with very large font. boxed text says, on page 7: "If children and adolescents, little is known of Jesus, his appearance in those years, less. However, the Italian forensic police - at the request of a television channel, outlined last year assumptions features of his face when he was 12. The composition was made from the printed picture on the Shroud, according to Christian tradition, wrapped the body of Jesus. 'We conducted a rigorous and we can say that, although the data at our disposal were limited, have reflected an optimal scenario, "said Carlo Bui, head of the police area. The system used is the same that is used to find criminals hiding for years or missing persons, whose features changed by the passage of time. Of course, instead of 'old' image of the face, in this case it was the opposite: it is 'rejuvenated'. The composite image shows a face with small mouth and bright eyes. 'I was surprised at the depth of the eyes, "said the cartoonist intervener, Andrea Amore. While the Shroud was rejected by carbon-14 tests done in 1989, leading experts criticized the way it is done. " It seems that Alvarez Valdés had no effect either in the text box with the lid or the supplement. On the other hand, the author of the undernote a mistake in the date, since the image is not "outlined last year,"
until 2004. (2) reconstruction performed by the Analysis of Violent Crime (UASV) Italian forensic science at the request of Italian private television channel
, Silvio Berlusconi, for broadcast in the vicinity of holidays. I leave it for granted that no opinaré about the authenticity or falseness of the so-called Shroud of Christ, or holy Turin Shroud . A study like that deserves further treatment impossible in this report. Those interested can consult Journalists Tribune analysis Ladislao Vadas "The Shroud of Turin. FALSE BELIEF exposed by science. " I think there is a semiologist to interpret the title. Clarín In
only demonstrates this Jesus white, blond hair and blue eyes. Ethnocentrism ideal image for Hollywood but not for the reality of the time zone environment.
Will the Son of God of the Christians must be whitey, have blue eyes and blond hair? A similar type Mauricio Macri. The other Jesus, the black
addition macrista blonde version, Jesus has a pair of black or brunettes. A wave Román Riquelme, less
fashion. José Manuel Vidal
Is that "researchers of the Centre for Forensic Medical Research Calabria (CIMEF), directed by Aldo Barbaro, pathological techniques used to try to discover the face of Christ (...) reached a different sketch of forensic science [UASV]. They left the Shroud not directly, but a reproduction of the image made by the Armenian painter Ariel Aggemian. 'We use three types of software and redefine some particular features of the face of the box, like the beard. We modify the mandible and characteristics of the uses and traditions of the people of that period of history, "explains Aldo Barbaro CIMEF director and professor of Forensic Sciences of the Catholic University of Rome La Sapienza. The result is a 16 year old girl, looking sweet and thin build, but unlike the Christ of forensic science, has
brown skin, dark hair on
, slightly aquiline nose and thin lips. " (3)
Ariel's Jesus Aggemian

A previous reconstruction in 2001, shows a face similar to CIMEF. Says the English investigative journalist Pepe Rodriguez: "Years of tradition, we have become accustomed to a physical image of Jesus being anthropologically absurd and impossible, no Jews, and Jesus was in his time and region of residence could not remotely resemble to the image that Christian art was awarded. According to information published in Spain by the newspaper El Pais (28-3-2001), the BBC finally dared to face the possible scientific approaches that could be Jesus. It has done so with the help of a first-century Jewish skull found in Jerusalem and digital graphics technology of last generation. Responsible for the careful task of facial reconstruction forensics has been the prestigious Richard Neave (University of Manchester), who tried to approach the original face that had the skull with clay layers covering the skull, a technique he had employed it successfully to identify the victim burned a train crash in London, which is commonly used by police in order to identify disfigured corpses. The result is the stunning new face of Jesus prominent cheekbones and nose, curly hair and dark complexion (...) According to Jeremy Bowen, a former BBC correspondent in the Middle East and presenter of the series entitled 'The child of God ', for which the face has been reconstructed, it could be the version more faithful to reality. 'There are many men like this in Jerusalem. It is a real Jew in the area and you can still see him around town today repeated in many faces', he said. The skull used for the reconstruction was chosen by archaeologist Joe Zygas, a member of the group that inspected the cemetery discovered during road construction in Jerusalem. Once the skeletons found there were Jews including the way they were lined tombs and objects scattered on the ground, the team of the excavation dated to the first century of our era. Zygas chose the skull that seemed more representative of a neighbor of the time and it worked then Neave and the BBC. The first problem reproduced without eyebrows, nose and jaw, which, he says, 'are given by the very form of the skull. " The hair, beard and skin color were added with the help of the BBC, based on the faces of Christ painted around the third century frescoes preserved in Syria and Iraq. 'The archaeological and anatomical science shed more light than the art of the possible face of Christ', said Jean Claude Bragard, series producer for the BBC in collaboration with the Discovery Channel and France 3. " (4)

The Jesus of the BBC

specialist Marc Goodacre biblical texts, the Historian University of Birmingham, who is interviewed for the series co-produced by the BBC Manchester el Discovery Channel y France 3— opina que el estilo del judío medio de una época próxima a Jesús posee pelo corto y rizado. También,  la barba debería ser corta y rizada negra. Agrega que la piel debía ser oscura, pues en los antecedentes genéticos de Jesús hay afroasiáticos, como Ruth y Rahab.     Por otro lado , el escéptico José Luis Calvo realiza una crítica a este “armado facial”: “Creemos que es necesario dar una ligera explicación de cómo se efectúa una reconstrucción facial. El primer paso es reconstruir la calavera algo que en este caso parece que no fue necesario al haberse encontrado one in good condition. Then modeled the muscles of mastication, especially the masseter and temporal as they are affecting the facial expression. Since these muscles are defined insertion areas in the bones of the skull (for example, the surface of the temporary home is given by the timeline) is a task that can be performed with a high degree of certainty. Completed this step, start the reconstruction of the facial muscles. These non-marking as pronounced in the skull bones, but its layout is very similar in all humans. Passed, then add the soft anatomy (cartilage, fat, skin and eyes). Some unproblematic, eyes (its position and size) are given by the orbits, there is a proportional relationship between the width of the wings of the nose and nasal aperture, the position of the ears is determined by the ear canals ... Others, however, can not be reconstructed with certainty, such as the thickness of the fat and skin. Although there are modern statistics on the most prevalent in different ages and populations, they are also affected by the power of the subject.
Other aspects are quite uncertain as eye color, the hair and
available. The procedure used for the reconstruction of color and shape of the hair in this case is highly questionable. Century artists III had so little idea of \u200b\u200bthe actual appearance of Jesus as we are. Has not been preserved (if it ever existed) no early artistic depiction of Christ (which makes sense considering that all the early disciples of the Nazarene Jews). Holy Faces Alleged existing well not agree with each other, are the result of late legends such as the so-called portrait of King Agbar. Nor have we received any physical description to the extent that we ignore, for example, the true age of Jesus algo que resulta importante para realizar una buena reconstrucción facial. Si estos problemas no son definitivos, no podemos decir lo mismo del otro aspecto de la cuestión, la elección del cráneo. De acuerdo con la noticia citada anteriormente, el trabajo se realizó sobre un único cráneo seleccionado por ser el que al arqueólogo Joe Zygas le pareció más representativo de un judío del s. I como era Jesús. Aquí vemos ya un error, el de que no existe justificación suficiente para asegurar que la elección del Sr. Zygas sea correcta. ¿No hubiera sido preferible, si lo que se pretendía era encontrar un 'rostro típico’, el haber realizado la medición de todos los cráneos encontrados at the site to see which features were those that were statistically more common in men from thirty-odd years (which is the assumed age of Jesus) and perform the reconstruction from them? Although they acted that way, the result would have been a 'general picture' of Jewish men of that age in the s. I, but never could say that this is the face of Jesus of Nazareth. If we look around us we see that the physical characteristics of the people around us have a great variety. We can establish statistical characteristics in terms of average height, build, hair color, eye ... but we have no certainty that a particular person are not known to be in these values \u200b\u200bmeans not even close to them. At best, the facial reconstruction would be made a 'half Jewish' but do not know if Jesus was or not. By the same token, it could be said that this face corresponds to Judas Iscariot, Simon or James. So, we ask for the reason that this article appears at the moment. I will not be unfair if I point out that, presumably, is a publicity stunt around the BBC series. Series of the quality, if it's true what they say about the betrayal of Judas, I begin to distrust. " (5)

For its part, the editor of New Nation
, Michael EBOD, argued that Jesus' skin was dark. Argues that 2,000 years ago the population of Bethlehem was composed of groups who came from central Africa, and Babylonians, Egyptians and Ethiopians. This magazine is geared exclusively to the British black community. also Jean-Claude LaMarre directed "The Color of the Cross" (Color of the Cross "), film showing a black Jesus. It premiered in 2006.

Escena de la película

    Dice el director de origen haitiano: "Nuestra película no se trata de generar una división entre los cristianos, sino de ampliar su perspectiva. Durante siglos, la representación que hizo Leonardo Da Vinci sobre Jesús ha sido ampliamente aceptada. Nosotros estamos ofreciendo una imagen alternativa. Hay campo para todo. Estaremos buscando la bendición del Papa para ésta". (6)

Afiche de la película

    Recordemos que hay antecedentes de negritud en otros filmes sobre Jesús. So much so, that in 1973 the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" to the big screen wearing a black Judas. While in 1992, "The second coming" Jesus showed a contemporary black with dreadlocks. Obviously, blacks will come with everything. Is it not time that a Head of Government built a wall to protect the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires? Conclusion

The theme of Jesus is inexhaustible. According to Messori "in just the last century, have dedicated close to 62,000 volumes. In the National Library in Paris, a mirror of Western culture, the word 'Jesus' is the second by the number of chips. The first, significantly, is

Dieu. " (7)
In recent times, have spent several editions of "The Da Vinci Code." The publishing business needs this material infotainment disguised as research. On

Clarín, I argue that the emerging middle class in Argentina. Each country has the journalism it deserves for the "great people of health ..." ... "great every day. " Nestor Genta

Bibliography and recognition of sources:

1. Holuba Carlos Francisco. Titles and news: Research on issues of consistency. The case Clarín. Census tract. 2006.p.85.

2. reconstruct the face of Jesus when he was 12 years from the Shroud Friday December 24, 2004. 3.http: / / José Manuel Vidal. So was Jesus at age 12.

4.http: / / more likely image of Jesus' face.

5.http: / / Calvo Jose Luis "The holy face?

6., com_akocomment / task, quote / id, 151/Itemid, 2 /

7. Vittorio Messori. Assumptions about Jesus. A journalist investigates in depth the mystery of the Gospels. Argentina Ediciones Don Bosco. 1979.p.17.



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