TESTS THAT OBAMA CAN NOT CHALLENGE In an article published in "Global Reserch" in 2009 and published in the alternative press explains the thesis that the terrorist's death ten years ago and came to pass that his figure has been used to justify diversion of funds from American taxpayers to the military industrial complex has coopted the foreign policy of the United States. His critics have accused him of falling into the "conspiracy theory." Journal "The Weight" has translated the article in question to make it available to their readers.
I was interested in this question in a recent short book entitled "Osama Bin Laden: Dead or alive? This article [written in October 2009] summarizes the main themes treated there. Since the transmission of power management George W. Bush to Barack Obama, whether Bin Laden is dead or alive has increased its importance. Even if George W. Bush famously said "... I want Osama Bin Laden dead or alive", he did nothing serious to do so. addition to stating that he was not informed about bin Laden, confirmed what we say, sending most of Iraq's military resources. Bush was unconcerned about bin Laden because he knew that besides having no relation to the 11 / 9, however, almost certainly dead.
I do not know what you think about the issue on Obama and his advisers, but his rhetoric implies that bin Laden was responsible for 11 / S and he is still alive. In November 2008, for example, the Washington Post said: "President-elect Barack Obama, wants to renew the U.S. commitment in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden." "That is our enemy," said an adviser, "and he must be our main target."
At his home in the White House on 27 March this year (2009), the president said: "Al Qaeda and its allies, the terrorists who planned and supported attacks in Pakistan are 11/S- Afghanistan. " "Multiple intelligence reports have warned that Al-Qaeda is actively planning attacks against the U.S. homeland Unidos desde su seguro asilo en Pakistán”. “Al-Qaeda y sus aliados extremistas se han movido a través de la frontera a áreas remotas de territorio paquistaní”. Esto incluye a la jefatura de Al-Qaeda: Osama Bin Laden y Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Teoría de la conspiración
Obama ha apelado con regularidad a estos informes de inteligencia, que de manera coincidente han sostenido que Bin Laden está oculto en Pakistán, en alguna parte a lo largo de la frontera con Afganistán. Esta afirmación se utilizó para justificar la intensa de la actividad militar de Estados Unidos en Pakistán, con el resultado que la gente ahora habla de la guerra de "Af-Pak." One way to argue against this war is to point out that if these intelligence experts do not even know if bin Laden is alive, they can not know where you are and what you're thinking. Surely there are other good arguments against this war. But almost certainly point out that Bin Laden is dead, open a discussion that goes to the heart of public scrutiny reasonably articulate about this war. Another way to argue against this war would point out that Bin Laden had nothing to do with the 11 / S. But even our own FBI admitted that there is no clear evidence linking Bin Laden to the 11 / S, a large part large U.S. population has been conditioned to reject any review of the official version about 11 / S.
As we saw recently, the affair "Anthony K. Van Jones [Special Counsel for green jobs fired from the White House], is considered unfit for public service to the people who once signed a document suggesting that the official version of 11 / S could not be fully adjusted to the truth.
My book on Bin Laden is intended for people who, in addition to assume that it was responsible for the attacks of 11 / S, also believes that the Af-Pak war is justified because we need to prevent another attack plan.
Many of these people will change their opinion about the war if it becomes aware of evidence that this character is almost certainly dead. There are many evidence to support this conclusion.
Objective evidence that bin Laden is dead
The objective evidence include the following facts: First until noon on December 13, 2001, the CIA was regularly intercepting messages between Bin Laden and its people. At that time, however, the messages stopped suddenly and the CIA never again returned to intercept any message.
on December 26, 2001, a major Pakistani newspaper published information stating that Bin Laden had died in mid-December, adding that a prominent member of the Afghan Taliban movement, said he had attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face before burial.
ThirdBin Laden had kidney disease. He had been treated in U.S. hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which it acquired two dialysis machines to take them. If you ever wondered why Bin Laden did the night before the attacks of 11 / S, CBS news reported receiving dialysis at a hospital in Pakistan. In January 2001, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said [watching a video of Bin Laden made in late November or early December 2001] that it appeared to be in the final stages of renal failure box.
Fourthin July 2002, CNN reported that the guards had captured bin Laden in February of that year, adding: "The sources believe that if captured the guards away from Bin Laden, it is likely that man most wanted in the world is dead. "
Fifthsince 2001 the United States offers a reward of 25 million dollars for information leading to capture or kill Bin Laden. But this offer of reward has not produced results, although Pakistan has a lot of people in extremely poor and only half show their support for Bin Laden.
testimonial evidence that bin Laden is dead
addition to these objective evidence, testimonies collected in 2002, of people in a position to know that Bin Laden was probably dead, or almost. In the list of evidence can include: 1) President Musharraf of Pakistan. 2) Dale Watson, head of the FBI's counterterrorism unit.
3) Oliver North, who said: "I'm sure Osama is dead. And what is the rest of individuals who remained in contact with him.
4) The President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.
5) Sources from inside the Israeli intelligence, which said any new message from Bin Laden was probably a forgery.
6) Pakistani intelligence sources, were confirmed dead by Osama Bin Laden and attributed the reasons for the concealment of the news about his death, the desire of the hawks in the U.S. administration of using fear to Al-Qaeda and international terrorism to invade Iraq.
Stories about the death of Bin Laden is largely extinct by the end of 2002, when the U.S. stepped up its attack on Iraq. From then until now, there were few such stories.
However, two former intelligence officials have spoken publicly. In October 2008, former CIA official Robert Baer suggested in an interview on Radio PúblicaNacional that Bin Laden was no longer among the living. When asked Baer to clarify this, he said: Of course he is dead.
In March 2009, former foreign service officer Angel Codevilla published an article in the American Spectator entitled "Osama Bin Elvis" Explaining his title, Codevilla wrote: Seven years after bin Laden verifiable made his last appearance in life, there is more evidence of the presence of Elvis among us than yours.
This is an excellent article. It has only one serious flaw. In 2007, Benazir Bhutto, being interviewed by David Frost, he referred to Omar Sheikh as the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden. Codevilla cited this statement as the surest evidence that bin Laden was dead. But Bhutto was simply a slip of the tongue: She wanted to refer to the man who murdered Daniel Pearl [reporter for The Wall Street Journal was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan], Sheikh Omar [alias "Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad".] The slip was cleared the next day, when the prime minister told CNN: I do not think General Musharraf personally knows where Osama Bin Laden. Ten days later, speaking on NPR, reported that Bhutto asked the policeman assigned to guard his house. Should not you be looking for Osama Bin Laden?
Leaving aside this default Codevilla article provides good support to the widespread belief that Bin Laden does not stand vivo testing.
And the message of Osama Bin Laden?
Many people assume that there is little evidence that Bin Laden is still alive: the dozens of tape audio and video messages from bin Laden that have appeared since 2001. These tapes provide good evidence, only if authenticated. The longest chapter of my book is devoted to answering this question. First, explained that the technology to make audio and video tapes false, is so advanced that even experts can be fooled. And while the media regularly tell us that intelligence agencies have authenticated the last tape from bin Laden, it is virtually impossible to prove that a movie could be real. was also falsified the October surprise video that appeared on October 29, 2004, just in time to help George W. Bush get reelected. A track that was a fake, regardless of its timing, was provided by their language.
The real message of Bin Laden were saturated with references to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. But in this video, almost no mention of Allah and the one in question was Mohamed Atta Mohammad.
Also, while undoubtedly real message of Bin Laden described mundane events that at least allowed him to invoke Allah, the audio of this video in October gave a purely secular events, even telling the American people: "Your safety is in your own hands. "
The video clearly more than a lie is one that appeared in 2007. Video is identical to October 2004, except that the figure of Bin Laden wore a beard blackened, the video led to calls terrorist Blackbeard. While experts try, with serious faces, explaining why Bin Laden could have dyed his beard, or wearing a fake beard, this video was treated with more respect than deserved another YouTube that featured an actor who had a very long beard and black, saying:
"Hello, long time no see. I, Osama Bin Laden. And this [message] will not be confused with commercial dye hair for men only. I make this video to prove to the world still alive. "
This video is entertaining. But there is, of course, nothing funny about the fact that Bin Laden counterfeit videos have been used and still continue to be used to justify the war in Af-Pak, which still kills hundreds of dozens. Innocent people, including women and children. Conclusion: If my book, showing that bin Laden has probably been long dead, can help shorten this war, the text responds to its main purpose. Another major issue to which I devote an entire chapter is that these fakes Bin Laden tape appears to be just a portion of a vast propaganda operation. The U.S. military intelligence would be illegally using funds from taxes to make propaganda to American audiences with the aim of promoting the militarization of U.S. and foreign policy.
I hope my book will encourage the movement for the truth of 11 / S, along with the peace movement in general, to make harder the task of exposing this propaganda effort, which consumes an ever larger portion of our funds taxpayers.
Prof. David Ray Griffin
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