Pareidolia Journalistic MEMORY OF A COUNTRY WITHOUT . (Vice President's Office)
- "No, (...), no mistake. The power we have ourselves. "
"(...) In circles it is said that Buenos Aires Clarin put and remove ministers" . Over Xavier Journalist Xaxás English. ("Lies. Journey of a journalist to misinformation.") -
. Jorge Fontevecchia Profile (say: "Politics without Magneto").
few days ago, I wrote a report (Special Report, reporting, in-depth news, information note, dossier, brieff , special production note of deep drilling; names take the same kind of discourse according to various newspaper writers) on the perception
, the optical illusions and pareidolia. recall some essential concepts: -Express rightly Oscar Gomez Poviña doctor " perception is structured on subjective conditions related to the organization, memory, affective, physiological and emotional states, interests, expectations and sociocultural determinants. " He added that, furthermore, "influence, among others, an educational factors (...), factors space-time, level of culture, organizational factors of society, prevailing ideologies, its typical attitudes of preference or rejection mode structure deform objects, symbols, etc. (...). That is, the distortion in the perception
may originate in prejudices, wrong beliefs, prejudices, ideologies. The danger of this is that, unlike the above, it is difficult to correct because it is very difficult to recognize and acceptmuch. "
"For the physicians of Hospital Universitario del Aire, Madrid, A. Araguz Martín, MC Martínez Bustamante, V. Fernández-Armayor Garlic and M. López Gómez, "the pareidolia is a phenomenon characterized by visualization of not self-inflicted combined perception between reality and fantasy" .
Center this report in some Pareidolia besetting local journalists subjective. Weeks ago, Christian
Sanzresearch with a voracity pareidólica the possibility that the elegant President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is not a lawyer. The director of
"Tribuna of Journalismpublishes an interesting and demanding documentation. Bickering, accusations here and there, but ... the poncho does not appear. In this case, is the title that is not, that does not appear. The case takes some impact, but soon left the agenda (agenda setting ) of the media. Today, a few days after the triumph of Fernandez de Kirchner, the big media companies seem to avoid returning to the question ... There is a strong journalistic vocation, but you have to eat. is known that all research is possible to consider several questions. For example, what I want to investigate, discover or prove? I wonder: will Sanz any prejudice or preconception mistaken belief?, And with regard to documentation that provides: not be an optical illusion? Perhaps one
persecutoris pareidolia. Their attachment to the logic, the struggle against pseudoscience (astrology, palmistry, spiritualism, Freudianism, etc.): what have become the subject of the "Triple P" ( paranoid persecution pareidólica )? In his Freudian neuroses, what is the primary benefit? and what high school? Worse still, is it a neurosis anxiety caused by the increased pressures and external demands? On the other hand, Alan Videla published in this alternative subjective research "Tighten the sovereign, the endless adventures of Grupo Clarín." Reiterates a point that for years, talk softly, softly, in the editorial. Noble
za forces prevent it: his view, subjectivity and pareidolia could bar the entry of any "great Argentine daily. Zárate journalist advised the novel change its position rebellious note the statement issued by the Journalists Association, very experienced people in the struggle for survival in media companies. To sample, exposing the pareidólico Paul Llonto: "A statement would go unnoticed for much of the trade press. It was the issued by the Journalists Association, a group that brings together a number of heads, radio show hosts and television writers ranked and 'special' and responsible for major Argentine media, and expressed its' concern the arrest of the editor of the newspaper Clarín, Ernestina Herrera de Noble, and warned about their dangerous effects on freedom of expression in Argentina (sic). The arrest of Mrs. Noble in a case in which the investigating irregularities in adoptions of her two children, raises the necessary debate about the rights and guarantees of persons in the due process when accused of committing crimes. " Nothing is said about the substance of the case, which was the probable abduction. For management via e-mails and sometimes intemperate pressure of Guareschi, who integrated the association since its inception, finally agreed to put their signatures journalists María Laura Avignolo (Clarín), Ana Baron (Clarín), Santo Biasatti (Clarín), Nelson Castro (TN-Clarín), Ariel Delgado (radio, former Chronicle), Rosendo Fraga (consultant and owner of an interviewer), Carlos Gabetta (Le Monde), Rogelio Garcia Lupo (Clarín ) lsidoro Gilbert (The Republic of Uruguay), Andrew Graham Yoll (ex Buenos Aires Herald), Martin Granovsky (Página/12-Clarín), Mariano Grondona (Channel 9), Roberto Guareschi (Clarín), Monica Gutierrez (América TV) , Ricardo Kirschbaum (Clarín), Jorge Lanata (America), José Ignacio López (The Nation), Fanny Mandelbaum (Channel 13-Clarín), Tomas Eloy Martinez (freelance) Joaquin Morales Sola (TN-Clarín), Norma Morandini (Clarín), Maria Moreno (Página/12-Clarín), Silvia Naishtat (Clarín), James Neilson (News), Teresa Pacitti (Profile), Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu (Clarín) Hermenegildo Sabat (Clarín), Fernan Saguier (The Nation and Noble's nephew), Claudia Selser (Clarín), Maria Seoane (Clarín), Oscar Serrat (AP), Ernesto Tiffenberg (Página/12-Clarín) and Horacio Verbitsky ( Página/12-Clarín). Those who did were surprised dozens of militants were human rights organizations when they saw another statement of 'concern', the the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), an entity created by Dr. Emilio Mignone late eighties who had earned international respect in their subsequent struggle to imprison the repressive dictatorship. CELS, then clarified that in his long preaching 'by the necessary trial and punishment "to those responsible for state terrorism" never contemplated violations of the rights and guarantees of the people involved', said that 'the presumption of innocence, which governs all criminal proceedings, the rule requires that the process is the release of the accused. Therefore, the pre-sentence detention is an exceptional measure that can only be provided when in the case, it can prove that the person concerned will obstruct the course of the investigation or there is a danger that does not appear at trial. " Journalism in general was tested. " 1
Notably, za noble forces that journalists Tomas Eloy Martinez, Oscar Serrat, Ariel Delgado, Carlos Horacio Verbitsky and Gabetta in solidarity with the dismissed workers Clarín by late 2000. Also, Jorge Lanata, from
Twenty,mourned the cover of the magazine and stated "the story that no one dared to tell the newspaper Clarín. " Paul Llonto , pareidolia through, published in his book "The Noble Ernestina. The mystery of the country's richest woman, the birth certificates of Marcela and Philip Noble. Please note that the director was accused
Clarínsubtraction, retention, concealment and change of identity of minors, as specified by the journalist and lawyer in his research. would be healthy for independent journalism that promotes news "TN" or equipment "Telenoche Investigates "- even for cutting other programs distracting-research-ratify or rectify the allegations made by this journalist. Also, I wonder why they never made hidden cameras Mauricio Macri, Carlos Saul Menem, José Luis Manzano, Domingo Cavallo, Eduardo Duhalde, among others? Meanwhile shows Llonto in pareidólica
birth certificates are contributed by Emilio Jaján and his wife Anne, who would show, according to pareidolia
legalistic llontoana - a series of irregularities. The indictment of marriage Jaján focused on the removal, retention, concealment and change of identity of minors. Says
pareidólico lawyer, former secretary general of the International Commission and former CEO of Clarín :
"Indeed, the evidence that had brought the Jaján were so strong as to be opened for the first time, a thorough investigation. It was the birth certificates with which they had started making records Marcela and Philip, at first glance, contained a number of irregularities that would call the attention of anyone started on the right: The minutes of Marcela Noble had no proof of maternity or paternity, nor did any mention of the birthplace . These spaces were blank when they should contain at least the words 'unknown'. Did not indicate what the agency had been responsible for certifying the health and social situation of the creature on which tramitaría adoption, however, appeared as the least with the name Noble Herrera. The record of Philip irregularities were the same, but also to read the numbers of records by ordering the registration of their data in the Register of Persons in the province of Buenos Aires, highlighted an inconsistency: from identifying tab No. 25,127,753 Marcela, who was adjudged as date of birth on March 23, 1976, and the card No. 25127946 of Philip, who was given a date of birth on 17 April that year, there was a reasonable difference of 193 births, but in exchange Marcela records 37.755/76 and 43.254/76 of Philip, in which medical personnel in the province of Buenos Aires was to verify the physical data of each baby, there was a difference of 5,499! numbers. Any well thought out could assume that the numbers are sometimes faster than their hands and then always fail to score. But if the error occurred twice, or the numbers have gone mad, or the hand is that of the stage machinery. Both births were registered, by order of the Juvenile Court No. 1 of the judicial department of San Isidro. Marcela was the decision of June 15, 1976 issued in 1308 and the cause of Philip, August 1976 ruling in the case 9149. Ie, one to another sentence of the court and for a period of fifteen days, he tried in 1976 would have been other causes 7,841 to an average of 522 per day. Nonsense. " 2
Paul Llonto added with emphasis, stubbornness and pareidolia , numbering at two minutes and rinse each item:
"1. Figure double last name before the adoption decision. 2. Left blank the space for the father and mother, when it should contain the word 'unknown'. 3. Among the record number of 1,308 to 9,149 of Marcela and Felipe are 7,841 cases of dispute. Impossible figure believe, given the number of files routinely admitted in court.
4. Not aware of what 'management' is concerned.
5. The record number of 43,254 has no indication of his department and must be assumed that this is a medical finding. But the number of Felipe and Marcela 37,755 is 5,499! babies born between 23 March and 17 April the same year. Another figure suspicious because it would indicate that this office, attending an average of 215 births per day.
6. Among the tab 25,127,946 Felipe and Marcela 25,127,753 tab, there are 193 births in a period of 25 days. You could say that it is a reasonable figure. " 3
Will Llonto a character disorder? "Suffer a histrionic personality, with traits excitable and emotional self-centered? It is likely that after his dismissal from
Clarín has undergone changes in the ego and superego, which lead to a magical and omnipotent thinking. At the time, it seemed that
Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayosuffered pareidolia and published:
"Open Letter to Mrs. Ernestina Herrera de Noble Why, Mrs. Noble? The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo carefully read the letter published in the Sunday edition of the current 12 month Clarín. We read their expressions referring to the judge Marquevich and those who speak of a political plan to end of dictatorial rule.
But what led to our question is the paragraph where you say 'thank times have you spoken to your kids about the possibility that they and their parents are victims of illegal repression. "
These words indicate that you Mrs. Noble, also expressed doubts about the origin of these creatures, now young adults.
Why then, if, as often repeated - you have always cooperated with the law, why did not assert their influence and power of his love to them and truth, to encourage them to perform DNA analysis and immunogenic, which would have provided an answer to your question?
That would have been the only sign certain attachment to justice. Marcela and Felipe really have a right to know who were their parents. The same right to have their family members if they are children of disappeared persons.They need to know if their personal quests and have reached a happy ending or whether to start a new in other ways. Hopefully
recognition of the legitimacy of our struggle drives these young men to seek the truth to add the enjoyment of its appreciation to all that so far life has given so generously . Buenos Aires, January 14, 2003. "Add Alan Videla, unemployed in the future multimedia journalist:
"The Court ruled that the Court of Appeals meets the demand of Marcela and Philip Noble, who are suspected of missing children could be drawing blood and refuse to be compared with the Genetic Data Bank. According to a presentation by David Lanuscou-uncle of Matilda, unlawfully appropriate during the dictatorship, Marcela Noble have agreed to conduct a DNA test to determine if it supports Lanuscou family. But the decision of the Court adjourned the proceeding. Grouping ["Grandmother"], chaired by Estela de Carlotto, asked the court to vacate its own decision through a mechanism almost never used in Argentina: an 'action for annulment by court fraudulent' or 'invalid fraudulent jeopardy 'because they hold that there was fraud because it is' the process deviated from its normal course' - and 'collusion' -. The mothers say that judges of the Court participated in banquets, cocktails and talks related to the Clarín Group
. In particular, it draws Petracchi Enrique, Ricardo Lorenzetti and Elena Highton de Nolasco. " 4
the Videla, good, lying to the illustrious citizen Estela Barnes de Carlotto, so that not only her journalistic career hangs by a thread, but you can attach the nickname "derechozo biased. In addition to his allegations, has an unwelcome name to whatever they say to defend the "Human Rights". Although, incidentally, was there another memorable Videla, such as montonero, non-Kirchner, Juan de Dios Videla (Federalist member of the Colorados de Cuyo, in 1867, defeated the forces in the Rinconada del Mitristas Pocito .) Perhaps we are dealing with a schizoid personality, or perhaps paranoid. Earlier, on September 11, 2003, the Christian
Sanz pareidólico published under the title "Does anyone remember Ernestine? Misappropriation of children and press operations, "a comprehensive report setting out the facts capital: " This war of 'operations' between powerful people is impossible to understand by the city common and generates a state of confusion that has surpassed any previous historical low. And talk about the case involving the owner of G roup
Clarín, Ernestina Herrera Noble for child abduction and other crimes stemming from the latter. Today we learned that the federal judge ordered San Isidro Conrado Bergesio processing annulment against the widow of Noble ordered last January by another judge of the courts in that district, Roberto Marquevich, who, incidentally, was separated from the cause by the Federal Court of San Martín (...) Beyond the good or bad actions of Judge is possible to remember that there is a false dichotomy in which we are led to believe that the arrest of the director of
Clarín, the have been irregular, disable the crimes themselves against him. A tremendous outrage. While it is very likely to have been a press operation in connection with the arrest of the owner of the newspaper Clarín
, that should not blind us to the anomalies committed at the time when their children take. (...) [Roberto] Marquevich has had more than enough evidence to arrest Noble's widow for the crime of child abduction. Recall that the first cases against the Noble was instructed from a complaint filed more than twenty years ago by the group Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo , for investigations into alleged irregularities in the adoption record of Felipe and Marcela ( ...) It all started when the current director of Clarín asked the guard and subsequent adoption of Noble Marcela Herrera May 13, 1976 before the juvenile court number one in San Isidro, in charge at the time of Judge Ofelia Hejt, now deceased. According to her [Herrera de Noble] had found the girl in the front door, inside a cardboard box, and provided two witnesses: Robert Garcia, caretaker of a neighboring house and Lehagüe Yolanda of Aragon. With these data, the Court granted temporary guardianship (...) Marcela, confirmed that ended on 28 October 1977. In the case of Noble Felipe Herrera, guard trial began, casually [Sanz What does it mean to "accidentally"?, Do you suspect something, or is part of your posting pareidólica ?] Before the same judge in San Isidro after a woman called Carmen Luisa said Delta was present in court and give his son. Ernestina was presented that same day, on July 7, 1976 - in court and requested custody of the child, subject to prior certification that already had another child in their care. It was then that the August 19, 1976, the judge ruled that corresponded Hejt order the minor's name Noble Felipe Herrera, and have his registration as born on April 17, 1976. Later on, with these data in hand, coupled with the desire to do justice, "a group of people going to start a real vortex that lasted more than two decades (...) Few know that the cause that was based Marquevich to investigate (....) Ernestina, is that in 1995 and had submitted Jaján Ana Feldmann of subtraction and child concealment. The complaint added the suppression of identity crime. As the judge refused to move at that time on the subject, Jaján took his complaint, two years later, the Federal Court No. 7 of the Federal Capital, led by Adolfo Bagnasco, so that added to the research on the 'systematic plan' dictatorship that had implemented to realize the so-called 'theft of babies' (...) Bagnasco also rejected the complaint despite having sufficient evidence of the crime. Among other things, were the birth certificates of Marcela and Noble Felipe Herrera, the care and adoption records of both young people and their own research by the National Right to Identity of Persons, under the Rights Department National Human. Years later, Federal Judge Maria Servini de Cubria would lead to self-casually Marquevich [just another interpretation of Sanz?] A similar complaint made by the journalist William Patrick Kelly, who had been in front of the judges Carlos Liporaci, Rodolfo Canicoba Corral and Bagnasco. The latter was to hold something amazing: he had no offense (...) For years, runs through several essays a dossier apparently written by people of intelligence that says that 'the adopted children of Ernestina Herrera de Noble (...) children would subversive born in captivity. These creatures have been delivered during the dictatorship by a doctor named Katz (...) While some of the information contained in the report are not entirely correct, the mere mention of the topic should have been reason enough to drive a judicial inquiry or, if nothing else, journalism. But it is known that the media often act corporately and that causes many 'truths' do not come out to light. Corporatism that was observed shortly after the arrest by Marquevich when a requested published by several newspapers of wide circulation, Graphic Art Editorial Argentino SA (AGEA SA)-coincidentally publishing company Clarín - described as' abusive the arrest of Mrs. Herrera de Noble. " The statement, which was the accession of several major media groups, expressed a very credible-and suspicious-'concern about the measures that clearly considers abusive and illegal, as well as clearly contrary to the constitutional rights basic freedom of movement, due process and guarantee legal defense '(...) There was another reason why the media could not not mention the widow of Noble, which is that aside from the complaint of abduction, there was another complaint that, thanks to the concealment of the press, many people are unaware. The same day that Anna Feldman accused the widow of Noble have illegally adopted children, also submitted a document signed by the owner of Clarín which arise emptying AGEA company. That letter says that 'it is over record beneficiary designation SCRIPT company, established in Baduz, Liechtenstein FIDES society and Switzerland, where Ernestina Herrera de Noble, headquartered in Paris 15 Rue Lerouest appears as only benefit the establishment SCRIPT, and designated as beneficiaries in case of death to the doctors and Héctor Horacio Magnetto José Aranda, managers holding Clarin '. Jaján denounced what time was that "Mrs. Ernestina Herrera de Noble have been transferred to that company, Geneva, Switzerland, all the shares in the capital stock of Graphic Arts Editorial Argentina SA (AGEA), which were deposited in a safe Union de Banques Suisses, Geneva. As it is presumed that these events can set up a complete emptying of the company, calls its exhaustive investigation to determine the commission of a crime. " This figure, which is not unknown in journalism, incites wonder why I never deepened over something so delicate, especially when on a covert partner Clarin, the newspaper The Nation , weighs a suspicion similar. " 4 Before the pareidólico author of "Kill the President's son," the "multi" Guillermo Patricio Kelly
from your program Without Concessions sarcastically showed two covers of the magazine Clarín, in which there were two little glamorous. Marcela and Felipe were in 1977. The driver asked, smiling sarcastically, Noble Lady Do you know who are these children? ".
Editing Clarin
: Marcela and Felipe, yesterday and today
to download their artillery against Clarín director . Gestures are memorable upset of Mirtha Legrand conducting the onslaught the "researcher" in some lunch. Note that the host never forbidden to speak on a matter so delicate. As an avid reader, was certainly knew whereof he spoke the guest. Kelly's research was reflected in a book due to justice - injustice in this case, is kidnapped.
I had the chance to chat with Kelly. He was give me a copy, but his death prevented that meeting and never got the letter.
take this opportunity to ask who has the book let me know.
When Kelly died, an editor of Clarín
also a journalist and researcher Maria Seoane made in Clarín, a profile of the sniper nationalist. Says the headline: "Kelly died, a provocative policy with troubled past. He joined the Alliance filonazi Peronism from the national freedom. Incitement and defamation were linked to their way of politics. " The letter ends with: "In the nineties, he saluted and faced the Menem campaign against critics of Menem and his government. Kelly methods to turn the criticism bordering on extortion. Kelly's relationship with Argentina was as troubled as their relationship with the truth. " 7
From Page / 12 - newspaper ' progress' of
Group - Luis Bruschtein, post a profile to Seoane with the headline: "The outrageous policy. Of Nationalist Liberation Alliance to their complaints and quarrels, Kelly was accused of working for the intelligence services. " End text: "Menem gave an ATC program, which focused their complaints Kelly sharp at times with some real and some of lucubrations conspiracy and sometimes only the fruit of their own obsessions. Garnered all sorts of trials and cases. Jacobo Timerman hated and Página/12 and this newspaper was more than once the target of his most furious tirades, yet they gave him space to exercise right of reply. After returning from a trip to Washington announced it had joined the anti-Cuban American National Foundation headed by Jorge Mas Canosa, a Cuban of the CIA, and until two years ago had a radio program although without the impact it had in previous years. But Kelly was not a Martian, and had extreme character to a fault many of the features that are in politics in Argentina. " 8 Three multimedia journalists vs Kelly omitted the confrontation. Noble. Here there would pareidolia but forgetfulness convenientis
. For now, all is quiet, forgotten. The affair of adoptions of the Noble brothers does not seem to be on the agenda of mass media or the defenders of human rights. Group
The growing day by day. Although not always well spent. In this regard, says colleague pareidólico
Hugo Pressman: "The newspaper Clarín has reason to be grateful to the previous government [of Eduardo Duhalde]. The de-dollarization of local debts was part of the business. Kirchner's government came to his aid through the Law 25750, which states that 'from the entry into force of this Act, the ownership of the media defined in Article 3 of the same, shall be national companies, allowing the participation of foreign companies up to 30% of the share capital and voting rights granted to the same percentage. " Andrew Graham - Yool from the newspaper The Buenos Aires Herald called Clarin law. Was avoided in this way that the holders of the rights of multimillion debts incurred by the "great Argentine daily 'will stay with the company." 9 In this reminder, we might call, if the union allows the gerund-me "winning friends" quoted the subjective view, ideological, and possibly dependent pareidólica of four journalists. Some readers may wonder if Kelly was a journalist. Since the Statute of the journalist, yes and no "persons engaged on a regular basis, through financial compensation, the tasks that are typical in daily papers or periodicals." If I stick to cold and rigorous point, Sanz's not a journalist unless you receive money from his lawyer sponsor, due to the amount of letters and lawsuits document that must be addressed. That the Creator and multimedia forgive our lack of objectivity and our outrage.
Remember, remember that something is
"The assimilative capacity of the mass is extremely limited and not least their ability to understand small, whereas is huge his forgetfulness. "
Adolf Hitler ("My Struggle") semiotic theory "pierciana" mentions sememe : meaning unit developments containing possible meanings. A text has more than one reading, as a sign allows "open" another sign and, in turn, will continue to be reinterpreted according to culture or cultural unity of the society that coexists with that text. We would be what the philosopher American Charles Sanders Pierce called unlimited semiosis .
To facilitate the above, I show some images that leave left to the reader's decoding. Remember ideological pragmatism of the different characters in each series. Unlimited semiosis depends on each reader.
Series Ernestina Herrera de Noble
Julio A. Series Ramos
Marcelo Hugo Tinelli Series
Series Mauricio Macri
Series Patricia Bullrrich
Carlos Chacho Álvarez Series
Daniel Scioli Series
Series Kirchner
Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Series Rosas
Diego Armando Maradona
Daniel Filmus
religious Series
Other times, other places. Bernardo Neustadt and Guillermo Patricio Kelly
Taking all these images, we must remember the philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus, who believes that being is in constant flux and motion: man can bathe twice in the same waters that are in continuous motion and form different rivers at every turn. Some of the subjects presented in the photos are worthy Heraclitean paradigms. They are in a perfect continuous change and flow.
Series "in the media not talking about you" or "prepare young journalist"
On November 4, 2000, Clarín
employees, among whom were all the internal commission and members of the board of elections. In the photo shows a gathering in the street. "Clarinet" was the voice print journalists, "dependent"
Clarín and Olé .
Series "in the media is not talking about you 2" or "prepare young journalist 2"
Photos of "Clarinet", which reads:
"Three times include the term 'reorganization' (National?) in the letter received by peers were not dismissed and signing Hector Aranda. The impressive repressive operations mounted against the newspaper on the morning of Saturday 4 away the possibility of any semantic error dismissed (...) list, often accompanied by photos the file (photo) held by security thugs to prevent their entry. Double fence on the sidewalk of Tacuarí, police and gorillas. The strengthening of internal security requires identification at every step. Police patrol of 16, 24,26,28 and 32. The sticks Corps Special Operations (Federal Police stationed in unmarked trucks) to the solidarity and co-fired on Sunday 5 to 13 pm. Tacuarí the street (photo), which were repeated at night on the entry of stones before the eyes of Roberto Guareschi. The personal income press was ordered to sail from Channel 13 and the Intercontinental hotel in vans with tinted windows, escorted by patrol and police motorcycles. Helicopters flying over the Assembly on Sunday, 5. The campaign of threats and terror to the comrades who were working and not attending the General Assembly on Tuesday 7, including the presence of armed thugs shooting (picture). 'The great Argentine newspaper' does not tolerate independent of their workers and their democratic functioning. And guarantees its savage attack with the Foot Guards. " If I could make a counter-factual history
ask me: What Would Robert Noble the Socialist Party? What Would
the founder of the weekly Roberto Noble Social Criticism , means promoting a better society? What would Robert Noble made the Independent Socialist Party deputy? What Would the Robert Noble
Concordance, a mixture of socialists, conservatives and radicals antiyrigoyenistas, promoting the rule of General Justo and presidential candidate Robert Ortiz? What would have made Robert Noble who supported the Peronist Democratic Union in 1946? What Would the Robert Noble that supported Juan and Eva Peron? What Would
the Robert Noble who supported the Liberating Revolution?
What would have made the Noble Roberto Arturo Frondizi supported? What would Robert Noble made the creator of Law 11.723, Intellectual Property or copyright, when the photographer Angel "Bug" Juarez sued him to Clarín
for violation of that law? Final
Young journalist who aspire to publish your ideas in a multimedia free and do not know the above, connotes, read between the lines and save on your mind the text of the Protestant pastor Martin Niemöller: , "First they came for the communists and shut up because I wasn'ta communist. Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I wasn'ta Jew. When they came
by the union not speak up because I wasn'ta trade unionist. then they came for the Catholics and I did not because I was a Protestant.
When he finally came for me, there was nobody left to protest. " Nestor
sources 1.Llonto Paul. The Noble Ernestina. The mystery of the richest woman in the country. Astralib Cooperative Publishing. Buenos Aires. 2003. pp.38 / 9.
2.Ibid. pp.32 / 3. 3.Ibid. pp.48 / 9.
4.Videla Alan. "Tighten the sovereign, the endless adventures of
Grupo Clarín." 25.10.2007.
5.Sanz Christian. "Does anyone remember Ernestine? Misappropriation of children and media operations. " 11.09.2003.
6.S / a. "Guillermo Patricio Kelly died." 01.07.2005. 7.Seoane Mary. "Kelly died, an instigator of the turbulent political past." 02.07.2005.
8.Bruschtein Luis. "The outrageous policy." 02.07.2005.
9.Pressman Hugo.
. "Dangerous Liaisons. Kirchner and tightness to journalists. " 19.10.2003.
Additional recommendations:
Fernando Paolella. Www.periodicotribuna
. "The jaws of the noble Ernestina. Clarín and the submissiveness of history. " 16.09. 2003. Weckesser
Luis Augusto. . (Charges against Marcelo Tinelli) Genta Nestor. "The ignoble censorship." (Research on censorship of journalist Liliana López Foresi). The site was dropped out. May be in the blog of journalist Laura Ubfal)
Martín Eduardo Blaustein and Zubieta. Said yesterday. Edit. Colihue. 1998. Llonto Paul. The Noble Ernestina. The mystery of the richest woman in the country. Astralib Cooperative Publishing. 2003. Julio A. Ramos
The bars of the press. Edit. Amfin. 1993.
Ana Ale Dynasty. Life, passion and decline of Macri. Planet. 2001. * Ana Ale
In Memoriam (1958 -2005) Delegate
Clarín and Olé
. She was fired in 2000. Referent of a brave and truthful journalism. His columns in the Economy section of Clarín and his book on are indispensable pillars Macri for the formation of any journalist subjective. Source:
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