Sunday, April 24, 2011

Discharge From A Kidney Infection

using Macri Magnetto and to destroy their opponents.


Roberto Caballero

Director Su nombre es Gustavo Gabriel Slevin, alias “Señor Hunt”. Filmó con cámara oculta al delegado Luis Siri cuando negociaba su indemnización y a Guillermo Moreno durante una asamblea de Papel Prensa. Para el PRO, escrachó a sindicalistas del SUTECBA.

Hasta ahora, el video registrado con cámara Clarín hidden used to install the unionist Luis Siri is a kind of professional extortionist, far from proving the alleged mobster to tighten the publisher, made it clear that harassment and persecution alleged by the workers union of AGR for 8 years is the only truth in this story. Surreptitiously filming of an employee who is negotiating a compensation constitutes an abuse of power employer actionable. is no doubt that the image in the video by Siri demanding money for himself and his colleagues of the Internal Commission, mixed with appeals to block the departure of the day, generated a strong impact on public opinion, as surely as Clarín Time ignored the offer of Argentina to publish in these pages-a-whole cost us the full transcript, without cuts and without the effects of editing the skit that introduced material to be broadcast in prime time on Channel 13, and now in the hands of justice. Telenoche The report, presented by journalist Edgardo Alfano, had a length of 20 minutes. Siri's talk and counsel for Clarín, Fredrik Matias and a mysterious "Mr. Hunt," the group's executive course, registered with a hidden camera on Feb. 17, at the offices of the study Saenz Valiente de Puerto Madero, lasted one hour and fifteen . However, in the report to be aired, lines that reflect Siri statements do not add more than 7 minutes and 20 seconds. Interestingly, in this case, stopping the action for the repetition of certain phrases that support the hypothesis of extortion: 6 times repeated "the potential for harm we have is immense," 7 times "is silver or quilombo" 6 that the issue "is not working but political" and 5 who want to "3 million 150 thousand pesos" to, in theory, prevent the departure of the newspaper. All this, sprinkled with images taken during the night of Saturday 26 and Sunday morning March 27 in Syria, together with 60 colleagues, their families and some members of the Peronist Youth Association (JSP), tried to block four of the ten gates of a plant Zepita in Barracks. The association was happening painless excuse for Clarín decided not to go out that Sunday, as a prelude to the now infamous white cap, who tried to be a complaint about an "attack on freedom of expression", which never suffered.
In fact, it was a maneuver planned disinformation that began in December, continued with meetings in January and reached its climax on 17 February, when Siri and another delegate, Cristian Quiroz, were filmed with a camera hidden. History, after all, begins with a deception, that the vulgar call those without a lot of laps, "bed" for a crisp navy spy whose background will be discussed later. A clarification: the work was not a journalistic task, but an intelligence operation with politicians and business purposes.
Siri was summoned to the offices of the street Juana Manso 205, in Puerto Madero, one of the sites holding legal of Hector Magnetto. He had had another meeting in January. But this time, they said, would introduce a very important person who was "making capacity in the company. When he arrived, was Fredrik-a La Nación who introduced himself as the partner in charge of the work of the study area Saenz Valiente, who was supposed to have no real power in negotiating compensation, and someone else who would have it, Fredrik who introduced himself as "Lord Hunt ". Siri first lie to the delegate, in an unequal power relationship: according to the Gazette, Fredrik serves on the boards of many companies of Grupo Clarin: ASMINOR, 2000 SA Sports Cars, carburized SAPICAFI, World Show, World Show TV, Southtel Holding SA Teledigital SA cable, Cablevision del Comahue SA, Chos Malal Video Cable, Cable Teledigital Holding SA, IVC SA, Pampa SA TV, Colour Television Patagonia SA, SA RCC, RCC Teledigital SA, South SA Teledigital, Teledigital Cable SA, Teledigital IVC SA, IVC SA Television, Television Capital Sarmiento SA, Tournaments Network. In addition, Fredrik shares the directory of the parent company, Clarín, with Hector Magnetto, Jose Aranda, Lucio Pagliaro, José María Sáenz Valiente-father and son, Saturnino Herrero Mitjans, Jorge Rendo, Alejandro Urricelqui, Munner Satter, Robert Goad, Fox and Luis Eduardo Padilla Maria Blaquier). If anyone could speak on behalf of Magnetto at that meeting, that was Fredrik.

However, the mysterious "Mr. Hunt" postured to most influential executive. Acting subordinate, Fredrik resumed earlier talks with Syria as "put to both Mr Hunt, who during the conversation said to be" advisory (Joseph) and Aranda (Jorge) Rendo "who could not attend for being "on vacation." Second lie: Tiempo Argentino called Clarin Group companies asking to speak with "the Lord Hunt." In all cases, the answer was the same: "Here nobody works under that name."

"Hunt told that the company did not want to delegates and had" Aranda order "to remove them off at any price. What little is published of the images showed the push and pull for the final number of compensation, which saw Siri and determined to climb awkwardly Quiroz figure moyano and allusions to Hannibal El Terrible. " The delegates, again according to published material, have traded high eight years of strenuous fighting union and the courts, including wage claims. These motivated, even the intervention of the Ministry of Labour, who managed to return to their jobs, but was unable to stop the harassment employer about them. At this point, it is clear that Siri, Quiroz and other delegates found it intolerable employment relationship and sought financial reinsurance, which by law they are entitled to go in search of new horizons.
Before leaving, after an hour and a quarter of a meeting, no agreement, "Mr. Hunt" left a phone to call him if they dropped their claims, but workers did not. Who communicated with them, on March 2, it was the "Hunt" to tell them that the company would not pay what they asked. Two days later, AGR-Clarín filed a complaint for "extortion" to the judge Conlazo Zabalía. None of this, however, as information was published by the daily Clarín. Neither in its section Politics, Police or in his section. Just after blockade
, having taken the decision not to move their business to the streets daily, Clarin announced Siri negotiations with the enigmatic "Mr. Hunt", presenting them as evidence tort in a "news report" in its news , and attaching the video hidden from the previously opened file. The judge accepted Zavalía as plaintiffs, on behalf of AGR-Clarin, lawyers and Hugo Alejandro Perez Chada Wortman Jofre, the latter's legal guardian in the case Hector Magnetto platense investigating alleged crimes against humanity committed in the transfer Newsprint stock during the dictatorship, and old buddy from Luis Moreno Ocampo.
The track on "Hunt" was featured in an article in the newspaper La Nation, signed by Adrian Ventura, Sunday 3 April. It says that Siri spoke with Fredrik and "Gustavo Hunt Slevin," "AGR external adviser and Clarín." A new lie was exposed, his expertise is espionage and intelligence operations. Gustavo Gabriel Slevin (and appears on all official documents, the "Hunt" the menossería an irony: it means "game" in English) is the man in charge of operations with a hidden camera then Clarín is of journalistically to injure their opponents. In an error or excess of confidence, he can be seen Slevin eating Sanguchito in the famous film where Guillermo Moreno, a group of enemies, helmets and gloves led to a meeting of shareholders of newsprint, which was played to the Telenoche glut by grinding the Secretary of Commerce. Siri himself identified it in this video. Two other sources that do not know each other, they recognized: one for voice, video on February 17, the second because he knows every step we took in the scene Slevin of commercial espionage.
The Official Gazette is a good road map and relationships to know from where the "hunter." Slevin founded on February 6, 1996 Buenos Aires firm Intelligent Systems, an LLC dedicated to "the purchase, sale, import, export, distribution of security and satellite communications equipment, based in Liberty 1213, third floor. He did, incidentally, with Luis Moreno Ocampo, Wortman Jofre, Sebastian Popik and Frank Holder, by then intelligence liaison officer of the United States Embassy in Buenos Aires. On May 8, 1997, it was reported that Holder gave his part to Moreno Ocampo and Wortman Jofre. On June 17, 2003, Moreno Ocampo gave all his actions to Slevin.
Another firm, Background Search SRL, founded in 1997 by Moreno Ocampo and Wortman Jofre, Slevin was partially transferred to the February 18, 2000, while confirming the previous manager, Lucas Palacios. On June 17, 2003, the same day that Slevin was the sole owner of Intelligent Systems SRL Buenos Aires, Moreno Ocampo was reported that he sold his shares to Palacios, who was partner and Slevin in Background Search. Both companies have always maintained a common household.
Slevin trading screen is the "installation of cameras and phones, but if someone comes recommended, and in confidence, offers its services as" research, through hidden cameras and wiretaps, and even boasts that its equipment "faithfully recorded, even in low light." Outside the Clarín Group also works to Mauricio Macri, was responsible for secretly filming SUTECBA unionists who were taking boxes of municipal social work at the beginning of the PRO management. The video
Siri, Slevin only reveals their hands. Ventura was the journalist of The Nation, who allowed by Article join hands with the actual name of Fredrik mysterious companion. Undoubtedly
stealth craft, something must be failing to Slevin lately, because the same Siri, while being filmed in the studio Saenz Valiente, realized the maneuver, which should be secret. Al Sanguchito of Moreno adds another incident on the internet. In \u0026lt;> site, you can still read a notice at the "hidden cameras and bugging devices, consulting, design and assembly," which says "film without realizing it. Shipping throughout the country. "A customer contacted by August 31, 2006. The spy, attentive, replied the next day: "Call me, I leave my cell phone. Gustavo Slevin ", thinking it was a private message. But no. He hung there, like your last request, almost pitiable, from 4 April this year, ie after operation for Grupo Clarin. Three times he posted: "Remove this ad." Seeing that no one responded, he writes: "I want to delete messages antiguossssss. How !!!!!". haceeee Spies were before.
Steps comedy Gustavo Slevin provoke laughter, if not because their services are employed by the largest communications holding company in Argentina, with dominant market position and unwilling to abide by the laws of democracy, to collect videos and recordings which is then used as ammunition against those thick that gets in its many businesses.
Worse still is that intelligence operations and demolition Hector Magnetto against his range of enemies including unionists Moyano, business competition and government officials are massaged Kirchner as notes or newspaper reports when they are not.
come to light, in prime time, when you have to destroy the public image of any adversary. Thus
discipline or annihilated.
They call it "freedom of expression."



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