published an article that I wrote
referred to the true drama of the distribution of the population in the territory of our country. Given that the INDEC has published the preliminary results of National Population and Housing 2010, renecesario a little research to determine the evolution or involution of the demographic phenomenon popularly known as the "Greater Buenos Aires." After a brief analysis of population data from 2001 and 2010 censuses for the 24 districts of Greater Buenos Aires with the respective increase or decrease numerical and percentage, we see that the population country's total in the nine years that are far from each other census increased by 10.57%, while in the districts that interest us (24 districts of Greater Buenos Aires) did a 14.12%.
This leads us to determine that
worsened human concentration in the 3642 km2 that make up this territory.
Of the 3,831,239 people in total population increase, 1,225,845 under the same, namely that population growth occurred in the 2,780,400 Km2 of Argentina 32% was given in a little less than 4,000 km2 . A detailed examination of census results in 24 matches Greater Buenos Aires, warrants stopping in La Matanza: 325.71 km2 according to the website of the municipality and consisting of 15 locations (June 20, Aldo Bonzi, Ciudad Evita, Gonzalez Catan, Gregory Laferrere, Isidro Casanova, La Tablada, Lomas del Mirador, Rafael Castillo, Ramos Mejía, San Justo, Tapiales, Villa Luzuriaga, Viceroy of Villa Madero and Pino).
There we see that in the 2001 census counted 1,255,288 inhabitants, and in the 2010 census this had risen to 1,772,130. An increase of 516,842 individuals, + 41.17%. To size the above and that it is not only as an anecdote, below is a small overview about it.
If the six Argentine provinces of the previous frame is still not able to increase its population by almost two hundred years of organizing as a nation, what strange phenomenon occurred in La Matanza in less than ten years settled in its small territory more than 500,000 inhabitants? Did
large domestic and foreign investment were established there? Is it formed a "Silicon Valley" vernacular and we did not notice? Did they find a large oil field or gas? Did you develop great software industry exporting to the world?
As the writer of these lines was no answer, and after a quick search for information on the socioeconomic reality of the massacre, decided to investigate via Internet at the official website of Municipality that party
There I found that under the acronym PELM, developed the Strategic Plan La Matanza. Delving into the same find as follows:
"The status of the District has some characteristics that exacerbate inequalities and influence the development of efficient management. First, there was so far a program to coordinate efforts, resources and municipal policies in achieving the objectives defined in time. This is in addition to the organizational structure and operation of municipal status is not appropriate given the degree of centralization achieved to meet the new requirements of the context and transforming policy implementation.
Second, the urban and social development has deep deep imbalances and inequities remain between different areas of the territory.
Third, the number of households exceeds 50% and unemployment and underemployment reached a very high percentage of economically active population and as a result, there are important health and nutrition problems.
Finally, small and medium enterprises suffer from the general economic problems, although there are good opportunities for export and those that may also exist in the municipality a number of interesting companies recovered.
The identification of this set of issues has led, in the context of this plan, the layout of four strategies that will guide us in defining policies and plans of action to be taken to overcome the unequal tax situation and determine the development of a model of growth with equity and social justice.
In order to identify, assess, prioritize and address latent and manifest needs of the residents of the municipality of La Matanza, is presented the Strategic Plan La Matanza, based on four areas: urban planning, socio-cultural health- - community, economic - productive and administrative - institutional. "
After reading" Third, the number of households exceeds 50% and unemployment and underemployment represents a percentage very high in the labor active and consequently appear
important health and nutrition, "writer posed the following question: Given this reality,
how the game is set in more than 500,000 people in less than 10 years?
think highly likely that this phenomenon is summarized in the skilled puppeteers political corporation, protected by spurious characters and through gifts and grants, manage internal migration and immigration to unspeakable stay late in the corruption and power, displaying the least respect to these masses of people who dicen defender. Ricardo Alfredo Rey
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