Ada Ivette Morales
Comitan, Chiapas .- A minor was rescued by federal and state admitted to the bar called "The Kanibal" after being forced to drink alcoholic beverages and prostitution.
These events took place yesterday afternoon inside the bar "The Kanibal" which is located on the 4th. West between 13 th. and 14 th. South in this city of Comitan.
to this bar arrived Agents National Migration Institute (INM), supported by state police who located the child prostitutes.
is Jackie of Valentina Montiel Roblero 15-year-old Guatemalan nationality, it was hired by the bar owner does not care about his age.
For the crime of Corruption of Minors and Possible Trafficking was arrested the owner of the bar identified as , Ezequiel Pérez Ríos, who was in when they entered the federal business.
Federal agents from the INM, finally discovered that the child had more than 20 days working in the bar and was paid 25 pesos for each beer that was drunk with their customers.
Ezequiel Pérez Ríos, was the Public Prosecutor to the courts, after receiving the fantastic staff of the National Migration Institute (INM).
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